Please click a photo to see its description.
*Awarded works will be used in PR materials such as Study Kyoto’s website, SNS accounts, posters, and flyers to promote Kyoto as a study-abroad destination.
Entrants must be international students who fall into one of the following categories below. (“International student” means a person who holds the “Student” visa status.)
1. Students of a member university of the Consortium of Universities in Kyoto.
2. Students of a member school of the International Student Study Kyoto Network.
3. Students who live in the prefecture of Kyoto.
*Only one entry per person is allowed to submit.
“My life studying abroad in Kyoto”
Anything can be a perfect setting for the theme: school life, club activities, part-time jobs, intercultural activities, and daily scenery. Share your view on the charms of your life studying abroad in Kyoto with people worldwide through a photo.
①Entries must meet the set theme.
②Entries must not have been submitted to other contests, including ones on social media.
③Entries must be the entrants' original works and should not have been created any time before April 2019.
④The photo data must be in JPEG format, and the size should not exceed 5MB.
(Recommended resolution: 200 dpi or more)
⑤Entries must be still images. Live motion photos are not accepted even if the length is a brief second.
⑥Entries with image effects, such as computer graphics or collages, or that are significantly photoshopped are not accepted. (Cropping and adjusting brightness and color are appropriate.)
⑦Entrants may use any camera, including a digital camera and smartphone camera, if they can submit works in digital format.
⑧Both nature/scenic photos and photos of people are appreciated if they meet the set theme.
作品応募しめきり:2022年11月17日(木) 12:00PM
Enter the contest by providing the required information in the entry form and uploading a photo on the contest webpage.
Submission Deadline : 12:00PM on November 17th (Thu), 2022
The winners will be announced on the contest webpage in January 2023.
京都芸術大学教授 中山 博喜 氏
成安造形大学教授 金澤 徹 氏
同志社大学教授 佐藤 守弘 氏
Study Kyoto PRチーム ※Study Kyoto PRチーム賞のみを審査
Hiroki NAKAYAMA, Professor at Kyoto University of the Arts
Toru KANAZAWA, Professor at Seian University of Art and Design
Morihiro SATOW, Professor at Doshisha University
Study Kyoto PR Team (9 international students from 7 countries)
※Only for Study Kyoto PR Team Prize
※Public voting via the contest webpage will determine the Public Choice Prize.
(1) The entrant retains the copyrights of the photo submitted.
(2) Winners will be announced via the contest webpage.
(3) The entrant agrees to grant International Student Study Kyoto Network (hereafter, “Study Kyoto”) non-exclusive rights to utilize all or part of the submitted photo in PR tools such as posters, flyers, and the Study Kyoto’s website for promoting Kyoto as a study abroad destination without any additional compensation. These rights include but are not limited to the right to reproduction and the right to light photo processing, such as resizing. When utilizing the photo, Study Kyoto must specify the photo credit.
(4) Study Kyoto will not lend the submitted photo to a third party.
(5) Study Kyoto reserves the right to cancel the award if it is found that the submitted photo has been awarded elsewhere before.
(6) If the submitting photo captures a person/people, please obtain their consent before entry.
(7) Entries including any content below may be disqualified at the organizer’s discretion:
- Content that intentionally violates other people’s rights, including intellectual property rights
*If the entrant obtains consent from the copyright holder and submits proof of authorization with their work, it will be qualified. (Note: Some temples and shrines hold copyrights to their buildings.)
- Content that infringes on any laws or is defamatory or libelous
- Content that constitutes or encourages criminal behavior
- Content that is indecent, obscene, or against public standards of morality and decency
(8) Each entrant is solely responsible for following copyright and portrait rights rules applicable to their submission. Study Kyoto will not be held accountable for any problems arising from the failure on the entrant’s part.
(9) Only the photos that pass the first screening will be posted on the photo contest webpage for voting and the final screening.
□ 応募者の個人情報は、留学生スタディ京都ネットワーク事務局(公益財団法人 大学コンソーシアム京都)の個人情報保護方針に基づき、安全に管理し、保護に努めます。
□ 応募者の応募作品・氏名・学校名等の個人情報は、本企画の応募・入選作品紹介や選考、受賞作品の発表時に使用します。また、「応募要項」②③に規定された事項に関わり、応募作品の利用時に個人情報を利用します。
□ 上記以外の理由で個人情報を使用する場合は、事前に本人の承諾を得ます。
□ Study Kyoto ensures to safely manage and protect the entrant’s personal information according to the Personal Information Protection Guidelines prescribed by the secretariat of Study Kyoto (the Consortium of Universities in Kyoto).
□ The entrant’s personal information, including their name and school name, will be shared in the selection process of submissions and to introduce prize-winning works on the website. Also, please note that Study Kyoto will use the information and the entrants submitted works in accordance with (2) and (3) of the Terms of Submission in this Entry Guidelines.
□ If/When Study Kyoto uses the entrant’s personal information for other reasons, Study Kyoto will obtain the entrants’ approval in advance.